Sunday, October 24, 2010

Shoe leather and impeccable copy

In my first job out of college, I wore out two pairs of shoes. I was writing the first edition of Tallinn in Your Pocket, a tourist guide to the capital of Estonia, and my job was to know every street, every alley, every restaurant, every shop, every hotel — everything a visitor or resident would need to know. And I took it so seriously that I wore out not only two pairs of shoes but also an apparently unnecessary bone in my right foot. (The foot is healed and I now own better shoes.)

Since then, I have approached every writing assignment with the same doggedness, driven by curiosity and a desire to share stories with other people. Some of those stories are grounded in my own passions — food, travel, and raising great kids — but I also believe there are stories to tell everywhere. Some of them are tough, but need to be heard. I was honored to work with the strong folks at the Center for Victims of Torture, creating marketing communications pieces for three years.

I also believe in turning in the cleanest copy possible, grammatically pristine, at the word count ordered, and always, always on time.